SmartSwarm 300 Series
The expected Minimum Enriched value for this register.
For example, if we know that the register value represents
temperature with a minimum value of 0 degrees Celsius, the
value entered here would be “0”.
This Min field value is not used for any algorithmic purpose
within the Device. It will become part of the enrichment-data
published for this register.
It should be used as an indicator of what the minimum
enriched value is expected to be.
Data scaling factor to be used
This is an important value in converting from the Modbus
Register Value to a context-aware Enriched Value.
The equation used to enrich the Modbus data is:
Enriched_Value = (Modbus_Register_Value
/ Scaling) + Zero_Value
See the examples given below.
The unit of data e.g. kWh, Hz, Deg. C, Deg. F
For example, if we know that the register value represents
temperature, and we want to represent the temperature in the
Celsius scale, we would enter “Deg C” here.
This Units field value is not used for any algorithmic purpose
within the Device. It will become part of the enrichment-data
published for this register.
Num Value
This field is only relevant for Enum data types.
The Num Value field enables us to specify a numeric value
that we can use to add contextualized meaning to each
relevant state of bit-field data.
E.g. A 16 bit register may be represented by an Enum Data
Type. Each bit of the register might have a unique and
significant meaning. For each bit there can be two possible
states: 0 or 1. We can create a row in the Register Table that
represents each bit in the Register (using Bit Offset and Width
fields). For each row, we can apply meaning:
Num Value = 0; Str Value = “Valve Closed”
Num Value = 1; Str Value = “Valve Open”
This Num Value field is not used for any algorithmic purpose
within the Device. It will become part of the enrichment-data
published for this register.