SmartSwarm 300 Series
There’s a line entry in this table for every discovered register on this Slave (even for the non-enriched registers).
The MQTT Topic has taken custom values, which are derived from the Meta data. You may leave these as-is, or you
may override the custom-defaults and define an MQTT topic for every register-rule.
You define an event (“when” a matching data pattern occurs on the Modbus network) in the “Event” column.
You define the payload that will be published (“what” is published when an event occurs) in the “Payload” column.
You define the MQTT topic the payload will be published on (“how” the payload is published when an event
occurs) in the “MQTT Topic” and “Default Topic” columns.
In our example we have created only one Event.
We want to know when the Nominal Input Frequency data value changes by 1 percent.
When that change-event occurs, publish the default payload data - that is, publish the Nominal Input Frequency
value on this Input Register for this Slave Device.