SmartSwarm 300 Series
To add an Input register to the map insert the following under the IR section. To add another register, repeat the
section separated by a comma.
"IR": [
"address": "3",
"name": "Power Consumption",
"datatype": "UINT16",
"length": "16",
"zero_value": "0",
"scaling": "1000",
"units": "kWh",
"state": "VALIDATED"
To add a Coil to the map insert the following under the CS section. To add another register, repeat the section
separated by a comma.
"CS": [
"address": 24,
"name": "Coil Example",
"alias": "JN1",
"state": "VALIDATED",
"available_values": [
To add a Discrete Input to the map insert the following under the IS section. To add another register repeat the
section separated by a comma.
"IS": [
"address": 30,
"name": "Input Example",
"alias": "IP1",
"state": "VALIDATED",
"available_values": [
ENUMs are a special case for Holding and Input registers and are added to the map as follows