5 Assembly in-roof system
In-roof System
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EN141217 Axitec GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 5, 71034 Böblingen, Germany, +49 (0)7031 62 88-5186
Assembly in-roof system
Tools, equipment
The following tools and auxiliary tools are needed for the
Carpenter's pencil
Cord/chalk line
Tape measure and folding measure stick
Set screwdriver
Nails for sheet grips
Screws for mounting bracket
Hammer nails for the sheet grips
Straight edge or arrange slat
Wood saw
Sheet-metal scissors and sheet-metal pair of pliers
Cordless screwdriver with T25 bit
Angle grinder (diamond disk) for grinding down the brick nose
weather-resistant cable tie
Crimping tool for connecting the electrical connector