5 Assembly in-roof system
In-roof System
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EN141217 Axitec GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 5, 71034 Böblingen, Germany, +49 (0)7031 62 88-5186
PIC 5-12: Picture 5-
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Mounting additional modules
Determine the position of the second row of the mounting brackets.
At the same time, keep in mind the distance of 15 mm to the upper
edge of the modules.
It must be necessary, when needed, to remove the modules (e.g. for
repairs) out of the row!
Mount further rows of the mounting brackets with a distance x
(15 mm) to the modules (see picture 4-11).
During the removal of the modules, push them towards the top
until they are no longer held by the lower mounting brackets.