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Video Loss Alarm
When the video cable or camera has something wrong, the video image is lost. If you enable video loss alarm, in such case, DVR will make alarm.
In “Image Setup” menu, select “Handle” in “Signal Loss” list. Enter “Policy” menu to setup alarm schedule and handle methods. The steps please refer to section
View Tampering Alarm
If you enable this function, when someone blocks the camera spitefully, DVR will make warning alarm. Tampering alarm includes area setup, alarm schedule and
handle methods. The setup can be done in “Image Setup”-> “View Tampering”->“Area” and “Policy”. The default is “Off”, there are 3 options: low, Normal and High.
Select one of them will active “Area” and “Policy”.
Enter into area setup interface; the setup methods are same as that of mask area setup. Only
one view tampering area can be setup.(Please refer to section 5.2.5)
Enter into policy setup interface to setup alarm schedule and handle method. The steps please
refer to section 5.3.1.
Select “Off” option for “View Tampering”, you can disable the view tampering
Recording Setup
In the “Recording channel Configuration” menu, you can setup record image parameters,
schedule, pre-record, and post-record.
Before the recording parameters you need to decide whether “Overwrite” or “Stop Recording”
when HD is full. If you select “Overwrite”, when all HDDs in DVR are full, DVR will overwrite the
earliest recorded files and continue recording. If you select “Stop recording”, when all HDDs
User Manual of DMB-04R Embedded Mobile DVR (V1.0)