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Release Notes for Avaya Scopia® XT Series
What’s New | 42
Figure 5:
Default Lecturer Layout - 2 terminals - A
Gatekeeper with Dynamic Address
In this release a DNS name can be used to configure the Gatekeeper address. This allows dynamic
resolution of the gatekeeper IP Address and in case of multiple returned IP addresses the XT
Endpoint will register to the first available one.
Figure 6:
Gatekeeper Configuration with DNS Name
Figure 7:
System Status - Gatekeeper Registration Information
XT can resolve the DNS name using both SRV and A queries. For instance, just
specifying the company domain name, XT can query for the gatekeeper configured in
the domain.
Link Quality Indicator
In this release Avaya XT Series endpoints display a graphical indicator representing the overall
quality of each call link.
The link quality indicator level is evaluated separately for audio, video and presentation streams,
based on the average packet loss percentage of the last 5 seconds, according to the following table.
The worse of the three calculated levels is then displayed.
Table 3:
Link Quality Indicator Levels
Quality Indicator
Avg. Packet loss %
Audio Video Presentation
> 3
> 1
> 1
> 7
> 3
> 3
> 5
> 5
For instance, if the overall link quality indicator level is "Excellent" it means that the average packet
loss is now less than 3% for audio, 1% for video and 1% for presentation.