Adjust positioner using potentiometer 0 [P3].
9.1 If both LEDs are OFF or the green LED [V28] is illuminated: Turn potentio-
meter 0 [P3] slightly clockwise until the yellow LED [V27] is illuminated.
9.2 If the yellow LED [V27] is illuminated: Turn potentiometer 0 [P3] counter-
clockwise until the yellow LED [V27] goes out. Then turn potentiometer 0
[P3] slightly clockwise until the yellow LED [V27] is illuminated again.
Figure 59:
Electronic positioner board
Potentiometer 0
Potentiometer max
[V27] Yellow LED: End position CLOSED reached
[V28] Green LED: End position OPEN reached
The setting is correct if the yellow LED [V27] is switched on when reaching end
position CLOSED.
End position OPEN
10. Move valve to end position OPEN.
11. Measure actual value E2 (measuring points [MP1/MP2]):
For an actual value E2 of 20 mA, the voltmeter shows 5 V.
12. If measured value is not correct: Re-set potentiometer or electronic position
transmitter and perform adjustment once again, starting from step 1.
13. Set maximum setpoint E1 (5 V or 20 mA, refer to label [5]).
14. Measure setpoint E1 (measuring points [MP3/MP4]):
For a setpoint E1 of 5 V or 20 mA, the voltmeter shows 5 V.
15. If measured value is not correct: Verify setpoint E1.
16. Adjust positioner using potentiometer max [P4].
16.1 If both LEDs are OFF or the yellow LED [V27] is illuminated: Turn poten-
tiometer max [P4] slightly counterclockwise until the green LED [V28] is
16.2 If the green LED [V28] is illuminated: Turn potentiometer max [P4] clock-
wise until the green LED [V28] goes out. Then turn potentiometer 0 [P3]
slightly counterclockwise until the green LED [V28] is illuminated again.
The setting is correct if the green LED [V28] is switched on when
reaching end position OPEN.
Sensitivity setting
Unnecessary wear at valve and actuator caused by an excessive number of
starts (sensitivity)!
Set maximum dead band acceptable for the process.
Observe maximum number of actuator starts (refer to technical data sheet for
modulating actuators).
Dead band
The dead band determines the sensitivity between switch-on point and switch-off
point. The smaller the dead band, the higher the sensitivity of the positioner.
SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 16.1/SARExC 07.1 – SARExC 16.1
Commissioning – controls settings
AMExB 01.1