PassThroughRediscover will make any previously deleted pass
through target devices visible to the host
Password specifies the password used for all sessions: Telnet,
FTP and Webserver. Password is case sensitive, 0 to 32
characters, and cannot contain spaces. An empty password
can be configured by pressing the enter key when prompted for
the new password and new password confirmation.
set Password
(all but SC 8250)
Returns the performance data for the user-specified Fibre
Channel port. Data consists of the average rate (MB/s) and
number of I/Os (IO/s) measured over the previous sampling
period (approximately one second). Successful SCSI Read
(08h, 28h) and Write (0Ah, 2Ah) commands are considered
I/Os. Factors that may affect reported performance include
Fibre Channel port availability and saturation, target device
speeds, and overall system utilization.
get Performance <fp>
Ping will send an ICMP echo request to the specified host.
Ping [mp1] [[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] | [IPv6-compatible address]]
<count <size>>
Set the RAID rebuild priority. A RAID rebuild priority that is set
to high, will give higher priority to RAID rebuilds and lower
priority to the processing of simultaneous I/O transactions. A
RAID rebuild priority that is set to low, will give lower priority to
RAID rebuilds and higher priority to the processing of
simultaneous I/O transactions. A RAID rebuild priority that is set
to same, will give equal priority to RAID rebuilds and the
processing of simultaneous I/O transactions. If all or no groups
are specified, the system default and all of the individual RAID
Groups are set. If a group name is specified, only the group
specified is set.
set RAIDRebuildPriority <GroupName | all> [high | low |
get RAIDRebuildPriority <GroupName | all>
Set or get the limit on the coalescing factor. Warning: changing
the default setting (8) may result in poor performance or
timeouts. A lower setting is recommended when using multiple
initiators. A higher setting may improve performance with
multiple streams of sequential write I/O, but too high a setting
will cause timeouts.
set RAIDSpeedWriteLimit [0 - 32]
get RAIDSpeedWriteLimit
Password specifies the password used for all sessions: Telnet
and Webserver. Password is case sensitive, 0 to 32 characters,
and cannot contain spaces. An empty password can be
configured by not specifying one.
set ReadOnlyPassword
Username specifies the username used for all sessions: Telnet
and WebServer. Username is case insensitive, 1 to 32
characters, and cannot contain spaces.
set ReadOnlyUsername [username]
get ReadOnlyUsername
Allows a rebuild to continue to completion even if media read
errors are encountered during the rebuild operation.
set RebuildContinueOnError [GroupName | all] [enabled
| disabled]
get RebuildContinueOnError [GroupName | all]
Reserve reports the state of CLI reservation for the current CLI
session. If the command reports that Reservations are enabled,
then another CLI session has control of parameter modification.
(all but SC 8250)
Resets all Fibre Channel error counts for the specified port to
ResetFCPortErrors [fp | all]
RestoreConfiguration issued with the 'default' option will force
the NVRAM settings to their original defaults. The 'factory'
option will force the NVRAM settings to their original defaults
and additionally force the unit's World Wide Name (WWN) to its
factory setting. The 'saved' option will undo any changes made
to this session since the last save.
RestoreConfiguration [default | factory | saved]