SASMultiAddress (8250 only)
SASMultiAddress enables or disables the use of multiple host-
side SAS addresses. When enabled, each host-side PHY
reports a unique SAS address. When disabled, each host-side
PHY reports the same SAS address. Set to disabled for
improved performance in configurations using an ATTO 6-Gb
SAS HBA and driver.
set SASMultiAddress [enabled | disabled]
get SASMultiAddress
SasPortList lists the status of all available SAS ports.
This command lists the physical devices that are connected to
all SAS ports.
SaveConfiguration issued with the 'restart' option will cycle
power after saving configuration changes. The 'norestart' option
will save changes without restarting. Please note that certain
modifications require a system restart.
SaveConfiguration <restart | norestart>
SerialNumber displays the serial number. The serial number is
a 13 character field. The first seven alphanumeric characters
are an abbreviation representing the product name. The
remaining six digits are the individual system's number.
get SerialNumber
SerialPortBaudRate configures the baud rate for the RS-232
serial port. The number of data bits per character is fixed at 8
with no parity.
set SerialPortBaudRate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 |
get SerialPortBaudRate
SerialPortEcho controls whether characters are echoed to the
RS-232 port. All non-control character keyboard input is output
to the display when this parameter is enabled.
set SerialPortEcho [enabled | disabled]
get SerialPortEcho
SES enables support for SES enclosures that have been
discovered by the system.
set SES
get SES [enabled | disabled]
SESAlarmTest commands the specified enclosure's audible
alarm to be turned on at the specified warning level. "Reset"
turns off the alarm that has been set at any warning level. Note
that SESEnclosures must be executed prior to executing
SESAlarmTest [EnclIdx] [SET | RESET] [INFO | NON-
SESDiskFailureAlarm when enabled, activates an audible
alarm when the system determines that a RAID member disk
drive has failed. The enclosure which contains the failed disk
drive will be sounded, other enclosures will be unaffected.
set SESDiskFailureAlarm [enabled | disabled]
get SESDiskFailureAlarm
SESEnclosures displays a list of SES-enabled enclosures
which have been discovered by the system.
SESIdentify commands the appropriate SES enclosure to
identify the specified element(s). "ALL" identifies all disks.
"RAID" and RAID Group name identifies all disks in a RAID
Group. If the MemberIndex is also specified, only that disk is
identified. "ENC" and enclosure index identifies all slots in the
specified enclosure. "DRIVE" and BlockDevID identifies the
specified disk. Note that SESEnclosures must be executed prior
to executing SESIdentify with the qualifier ENC and
BlockDevScan must be executed prior to executing SESIdentify
with the qualifier ALL.
set SESIdentify [ALL | RAID GrpName <MemberIndex> |
ENC EnclIdx | DRIVE BlockDevID]
get SESIdentify [ALL | RAID GrpName <MemberIndex> |
ENC EnclIdx | DRIVE BlockDevID]