SPRINTER MOBIL - HYMAX PRO 08.12.2015 20110005 OPI
6.1.4 Maintenance every 6 years
Exchange the protective and hydraulic hoses.
Excerpt from BGR 237
Speciications for the hydraulic hose lines:
• Normal speciication:
6 years including 2 years storage time.
Increased demands
e.g. due to increased
usage times, e.g. multi-shift operation, short cy-
cle times and pressure impulses and large ex-
ternal and internal (due to medium) inluences
which signiicantly reduce the lifetime of the
hose lines:
2 year operation duration
6.2 Cleaning and care of the system
A regular and expert clean helps retain the value
of the system.
Additionally, it can also be a pre-requisiste for the
preservation of guarantee claims for any eventual
corrosion damage.
The best protection for the system is regular
removal of contaminants of any kind.
This includes above all:
De-icing salt
Sand, pebbles, earth
Industrial dust of all types
Water, also in connection with other environ-
mental inluences
Aggressive deposits of all types
• Permanent humidity due to insuficient ventilati
The frequency of system cleaning depends,
among other things on the frequency of use, of
system handling, of workshop cleanliness, and the
location of the system.
Furthermore, the degree of contamination de-
pends on the time of year, the weather conditions
and workshop ventilation.
Under adverse circumstances, weekly system
cleaning might be required, however a monthly
cleaning may be suficient.
Do not use and aggressive and abrasive materi-
als for cleaning, rather use mild cleaners, e.g. a
commercially available detergent and luke warm
For cleaning, do not use high pressure washers
(e.g. steam cleaners).
Carefully remove all contamination with a
sponge, or if required with a brush.
Make sure that there is no residue of the cleaner
on the system.
Dry the system with a cloth and spray it with a
spray wax or oil.
6.3 Cleaning and care of stainless steel
In all cases after assembly, a irst cleaning should
be done with our stainless steel cleaner. We re-
commend our stainless steel cleaning spray (1) for
Immediately remove iron particles, grinding dust,
swarf, and weld spatter. These foreign bodies can
accelerate rust if they are deposited on the stain-
less steel surface. The passive layer of the non-
corroding steel is broken and this leads to pinhole
To guarantee a perfect stainless steel, in princi-
ple we recommend regular cleaning and care
of stainless steel in exterior areas (at best every 6
Contamination and deposits that have already
occurred or severe corrosive etching can be re-
moved with our special „Pelox“ cleaner (2).
For stainless steel products that are placed close
to seawater, seawater resistant products can be
implemented in V4A quality.
Detailed information can be found under
All stainless steel parts from the Feldmann product
range are made from V2A or V4A with material
numbers 1.4301 or 1.4401104. The surface is ground
(mostly 240 grit).
Despite the „rust-free“ speciication, stainless steel
parts can rust!
Stainless steel stands for a guarantee for long life-
time and elegance. To permanently retain the
high value of the surface, it is indispensable to take
care of and protect the material regularly.
Rust bloom can occur due to environmental inlu
ences or improper treatment.
How does rust bloom occur?
Environment related:
For higher humidity with salt content close to salt
In industrial areas with particularly aggressive air
contamination (acid rain).
By surfaces in contact with de-icing salt spray
water close to streets.