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Reference conditions for engine performance to ISO 3046-1.
See derating diagram or consult the factory for other conditions.
At reference conditions unless otherwise stated.
Rating definition (ISO 8528-1):
LTP: Limited Time Power is the maximum electrical power which a generating set is capable of delivering (at variable load), in the event of a utility power failure (for up to 500
hours per year of which a maximum of 300 hours is continuous running). No overload is permitted on these ratings. The alternator is peak continuous rated (as defined in ISO
8528-3) at 25°C.
ESP: Emergency Standby Power is defined as the maximum power available during a variable electrical power sequence, under the stated operating conditions, for which a
generating set is capable of delivering in the event of a utility power outage or under test conditions for up to 200h of operation per year, with the maintenance intervals and
procedures being carried out as described by the manufacturers. The permissible average power output (
) over 24h of operation shall not exceed 70% of the ESP unless
otherwise agreed by the engine manufacturer.
PRP: Prime Power is the maximum power available during a variable power sequence, which may be run for an unlimited number of hours per year, between stated maintenance
intervals and under the stated ambient conditions. A 10% overload is permitted for 1 hour in 12 hours. The permissible average power output during a 24h period shall not exceed
the stated load factor as indicated in the Technical Specifications above.
Specific mass fuel used: 0.86 kg/l.