Recommendations for operation and
Operation in application areas
Before putting the device into operation, it should be considered, if device is
suitable for the intended purpose. Device settings should be determined
together with intended use case. In case that the device is part of a larger
measurement system, instructions for its metrological and operational
checks should be developed.
Inadvisable or hazardous applications.
This device is not intended for
such applications in which the device malfunction could directly endanger life
and health of humans and animals or affect function of the other equipment
with life-sustaining functions. In the applications where device failure or
malfunction could cause severe property damage it is recommended to
provide the system with suitable and independent signalling equipment. This
independent system will be able to evaluate such failure and prevent the
above-mentioned material damage.
Device positioning.
Follow the rules and principles mentioned in this
manual. You should choose a place for the device position, where the
negative influence caused by environment is as lowest as possible. When
measurements in refrigerators, metal boxes, metal chambers are performed,
it is recommended to place the device outside and leaving only the sensors
and probes inside the measured environment. Such device position will
improve operation reliability, improve WiFi signal strength and allow to use
LCD display outside chamber.
Positioning of temperature sensors.
These sensors should be placed in
locations where sufficient air circulation is ensured and where the most
critical location is supposed (according to the application requirements). To
prevent heat conduction through the sensor cables from undesirable
influencing the measurement value, the sensor must be properly inserted
into the measured environment. If you follow the temperature distribution in
an air-conditioned storehouse, do not place the sensor into the direct air
stream generated by the air-conditioning unit. As a matter of fact, the
temperature distribution in large-chamber refrigerators may be quite
inhomogeneous, the temperature differences reaching up to 10 °C. Similar
dispersion can be found inside deep-freezing boxes (e.g. in those used for
blood preservation by deep freezing).
Positioning of humidity sensors.
The positioning of humidity sensors
depends on the application requirements as well. Humidity measurements in
refrigerators without additional humidity stabilization can be very
questionable. When the cooling is switched on/off, there may be significant