Globally disabled features
Some device features can be globally enabled or disabled. Good example of
such feature is LCD display. It can be globally disabled at General settings.
Showing measured values at LCD display can be disabled for each channel
separately. When showing measured value on display is required, LCD
display needs to be enabled globally and enabled at correct channel as well.
When feature is globally disabled, it is shown by the tile with transparency at
channel page.
Feature is globally enabled:
Feature is globally disabled:
General settings
General settings of the WiFi sensor allows for device name change, setup
LCD display, set current time, enable security, and change language.
LCD display can be disabled if needed. When LCD display is disabled
measured values are not shown on display, but after the button is pressed,
the LCD display is activated. Display backlights is set to one of three modes.
Backlight can be permanently off, permanently on, or can be activated after
button press. Supported languages are English, Czech, Dutch, Polish,
Spanish, and French.