Network settings
WiFi Client
For usage of WiFi sensors at final deployment it needs to be device
connected into infrastructure access point. Setup of connection parameters
(SSID and password) is done at the WiFi client menu. Scan item shows WiFi
networks at range. WiFi network scan interval is set to 20 sec. In case of WiFi
network is not show at list, SSID can be inserted manually. When SSID field
is blank device is automatically switched into AP mode and stay at this mode.
At newly purchased device is SSID filed blank. Supported security modes
are Open, WPA, WPA/WPA2-PSK, WPA2-PMF and WPA3.
Setup of LAN parameters for Client mode. It can be used static IP address
or IP address can be obtained from DHCP server automatically. By default,
is DHCP option enabled. In case of static IP address need to be used, please
contact your network administrator. Unproper IP address, subnet mask,
gateway IP or DNS server IP settings can cause conflicts at network and
communication troubles of other network devices.