WiFi connection issues
Proper function of WiFi sensors depends on wireless connection into
infrastructure access point or WiFi router. In case of signal strength is not
sufficient, device may not work properly, and there can be an issue with data
transfers into acquisition system or sending warning emails. Signal strength
depends on distance between device and access point and type of obstacles
between device and access point. Attenuation depends on type of material
of obstacles and for 2.4 GHz is approximately following:
Signal lost
20-30 dB
Concrete wall
10-15 dB
Brick wall
8 dB
Dry wall
4 dB
In case of connection issues, it should be check whether signal strength is
sufficient. When signal strength is not sufficient, position of the device or
position of infrastructure access point should be changed. Adding additional
access point near to device may to be solution to coverage issues as well.
Usage of WiFi device at places where is installed many access points with
overlapping channels may to be problematic. In this case you should use
least occupied WiFi channel. Usage of such channel will minimise potential
Recommended signal strength (RSSI) is higher than -70 dBm (e.g. -55 dBm).
Signal strength can be examined by following steps:
1. Connect device at client mode into infrastructure access point.
2. Place device to the location in which should be RSSI measured.
3. Press three times SET button.
4. Move away from close proximity of the device. After 30 sec read RSSI
value from the device LCD. In case RSSI value -99 is showing please
wait longer. When value -99 is persistent, make sure that device is
properly connected into WiFi network.