The Call Graph View
Copyright © 2010-2012 ARM. All rights reserved.
Call Graph toolbar and keyboard shortcuts
The toolbar buttons available in the Call Graph view are:
Show Help
Opens the help view with a list of topics relevant to the Call Graph view.
Toggle System Functions
Streamline classifies all functions that begin with either an underscore or
system functions, and hides them by default. You can, however, show them by
choosing the
Show System Functions
drop-down menu option. All orphaned
functions that are no longer connected to the tree when the system functions are
hidden are shown as unconnected boxes at the bottom of the Call Graph view. If
this option is active, the contextual menu option changes to
Hide System
.This button is highlighted if system function visibility is currently off.
Toggle Uncalled Functions
This option works in much the same way as the
Show/Hide System Functions
option. Select
Show Uncalled Functions
and all of the functions contained in
your code that were not called during the captured execution appear as
disconnected boxes in the bottom of the hierarchy.
Toggle Mini-map
Toggle mini-map visibility on and off.
Edit Source
Edit the source file that contains the selected function.
You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate the Call Graph view:
Up arrow
Moves the current selection up one function box.
Down arrow
Moves the current selection down one function box. The down arrow does not
move the selection to the uncalled and disconnected functions. These must be
selected using the mouse.
Right arrow
Moves the current selection to the right. If no function is to the immediate right
of the current function box, ARM Streamline chooses the closest available
function in the row to the right of the currently selected function.
Left arrow
Moves the current selection to a function box to the left of the currently selected
function. Works in the same manner as the right arrow command.
Selects the top function box in the current Call Graph view row.
Selects the bottom function box in the current Call Graph view row.
Holding down the spacebar turns the mouse cursor into a hand and enables you
to click and drag the viewable area.
Cycles the selection to the next highest self time value.
Shift + TAB
Cycles the selection to the function one above the current selection in terms of its
self time value. For example, if the function with the third highest self time value
is selected, pressing shift + TAB selects the second highest function.