The Timeline View
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Save as Snippet
Saves the current chart as a Snippet. After it has been saved, you can use the
Snippet menu, located in the bottom left of the Timeline view to add this chart as
it is currently configured.
Remove Chart
Removes the current chart from the Timeline view. If you have saved the chart as
a Snippet, you can add it back to the Timeline view later using the Snippet menu.
Series Options
Each chart in the Timeline view contains one or more series or sets of data to use in its charts.
Each series has a set options that are specific to that series.
Figure 6-23
Use the handle on the left side of each series control to change the order the series appears in
the chart. Click and drag a series control until it is in your desired place in the order.
Each series in a chart contains the following options:
To change the color of a series in the Timeline view, click on the color box in its
series control. This opens the color dialog box:
Figure 6-24 The Color dialog box on Windows
The type of Color dialog box that appears depends on your operating system.
Pick a new color for the series from the existing options or define a custom color.
Streamline uses this defined color for the series in the Timeline view.
Enter a name for the series. This name appears next to the chart color in the chart
Enter a description for the series in this field. When you hover over the series title
or color in the Timeline view, a tooltip appears, containing the description defined