11 Resistance symmetry (RSym)
ARGUS Copper Box
Calculation basis:
The following calculation basis is used for a 3-way measurement Rab, RaE, RbE, with R1,
R2, R3 as the total resistance of the respective line pairs.
Additionally, the absolute deviation of the two resistances Ra and Rb and the relative
deviation are determined.
Relative deviation (in %) = 2x
ΔR (absolute deviation in Ω) = absolute deviation (Ra - Rb)
A voltage check is performed before the measurement in which the voltage
limits given in the table (see page 11) may not be exceeded. A loop must be
created between Tip-Ring-Ground. This can be achieved using the instru-
ment kit function "Tip-Ring-Ground".
See the chapter Technical data page 14 for information on measuring ranges, resolutions
and accuracies of resistance symmetry measurement.