Speed Sensor
NOTE: Preliminary checks may be performed on this
component using the diagnostic mode on the LCD
gauge (see EFI Diagnostic System in this section).
NOTE: Prior to testing the speed sensor, inspect the
three-wire connector on the speed sensor for con-
tamination, broken pins, and/or corrosion.
1. Set the meter selector to the DC Voltage position.
2. Using MaxiClips, connect the red tester lead to the
orange wire; then connect the black tester lead to the
black wire.
3. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
4. The meter must show approximately 6 DC volts.
5. Leave the black tester lead connected; then connect
the red tester lead to the pink/white wire.
6. Slowly move the vehicle forward or backward; the meter
must show 0 and approximately 6 DC volts alternately.
NOTE: If the sensor tests are not within specifica-
tions, the sensor must be replaced.
To replace a speed sensor, use the following procedure.
1. Disconnect the three-wire connector from the speed sensor;
then remove the cap screw securing the sensor to the trans-
2. Install the new speed sensor into the transaxle with new
O-ring lightly coated with multi-purpose grease; then
secure the sensor with the cap screw. Tighten to 10 ft-lb.
Ignition Switch
To access the ignition switch, the dash must be loosened
and slid to the rear.
1. Set the meter selector to the DC Voltage position.
2. Connect the red meter lead to the red wire; then con-
nect the black meter lead to ground.
3. Meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: If the meter shows no battery voltage, trou-
bleshoot the main 30 amp fuse, the battery, or the
main wiring harness.
4. Connect the red meter lead to the brown/black wire;
then with the black lead grounded, turn the ignition
switch to the ON position. The meter must show bat-
tery voltage.
5. Connect the red meter lead to the yellow/green wire;
then with the black lead grounded, turn the ignition
switch to the START position. The starter should
engage and the meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: When the starter is engaged, battery voltage
will drop to approximately 10.5 DC volts.
Headlight Switch
1. Connect the red meter lead to the red/black wire; then con-
nect the black meter lead to the black wire.
2. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. The meter
must show battery voltage.
NOTE: If the meter does not show battery voltage,
troubleshoot the LIGHTS fuse on the power distribu-
tion module, the ignition switch, or the main harness.
3. Using MaxiClips, connect the red meter lead to either of
the two yellow wires; then select the high beam position
on the headlight switch. The meter must show battery
4. Using MaxiClips, connect the red meter lead to either of
the two gray wires; then select the low beam position on
the headlight switch. The meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: The battery voltage will show lower in steps
3 and 4 due to electrical loading of the headlights.
Drive Select Switch
1. Remove the switch assembly from the dash; then discon-
nect the harness from the switch.
NOTE: The switch can be removed from the dash
using a thin, flat pry bar or suitable putty knife. It is not
necessary to remove the dash to remove the switch.
2. Using an ohmmeter, the following readings must be
NOTE: Switch terminals A and D are connected with
a small metallic jumper.