2. Place the A-arm in a bench vise and using a 16 mm
reamer, ream out the bushings.
3. Insert the sleeve into the A-arm; then apply grease to
the seal and insert it into the end of the A-arm along
with the end caps.
4. Install the lower A-arm into the frame mount and
secure with cap screws and new lock nuts (A). Only
finger tighten at this point. Install the shock into the
lower A-arm and secure it with the cap screw and new
lock nut (B). Only finger tighten at this point. Install
the sway bar link into the lower A-arm and secure it
with the new “patch-lock” cap screw and lock nut (C).
Only finger tighten at this point. Install the cap screw
and clip securing the brake line to the lower A-arm
5. Tighten cap screw (A) to 35 ft-lb, cap screw (B) to 35
ft-lb, cap screw (C) to 20 ft-lb, and cap screw (D) to
20 in.-lb.
6. Using the existing cap screws and new lock nuts,
secure the knuckle to the upper and lower A-arms.
Tighten to 35 ft-lb.
NOTE: It is important that the hub is installed in a
manner that allows you to read the text.
7. If the upper A-arm was removed, insert the sleeve into
the end of the upper A-arm. Apply grease to the seals
and install into the A-arm.
8. Install the upper A-arm into the frame. Mount and secure
the hub with the cap screws and new locking nuts.
9. Install the hub assembly and using an appropriate
spanner wrench, secure the hub to the axle with the
castle nut. Tighten to 200 ft-lb.
10. Install a new cotter pin and spread the pin to secure
the nut.
NOTE: If the pin does not line up with the castle nut,
always tighten the nut to the next opening and install
the pin.