Overview of Post Processing
CytoFluor User’s Guide
Click Update to return to the main setup screen with raw
data. If you had one of the background features selected,
they affect what you see on the screen. You may see a
screen like this:
Figure 4-3 Raw Data
NOTE: The system always retains raw data, regardless
of options you choose.
This feature enables you to display the data scaled to values
from zero (0) to the Max (Maximum) value entered (up to
99999). The maximum data point that the system acquires is
set equal to the Maximum data value you enter to determine
the scaling factor. To display scaled data:
Click on the Scaled button.
Enter a value from zero to 99999. Then click Update to
return to the CytoFluor main setup screen with a Scaled
data display. For example, the raw data in Figure 4-3 is
shown scaled to 100%.
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