Configuring the Scanner for Top or Bottom Plate Reading
CytoFluor User’s Guide
6.5.2 Checking and Adjusting Probe Height
in a Temperature-Ready Scanner
Use the following procedures to check and adjust probe height
in scanners without a temperature control chamber. Checking and Adjusting Probe Height in
Bottom-Read Position (TR Models)
Checking probe
height in bottom-
In the bottom-read position, the probe tip should be located
0.015 inch below the plate carrier. You should rarely have to
reset the bottom-read probe height, because the depth of
different plates does not vary widely.
The probe must be set at the correct height. If you set the
probe too high, the plate carrier can jam against it. If you
set it too low, you lower the signal.
Slide the plate carrier back to the A1 position, until the
probe is underneath the edge of the plate carrier.
If the probe hits the plate carrier, skip the remaining
steps and proceed to “Adjusting probe height in bottom-
read” below.
Hold the probe height adjustment spacer marked
0.015-inch across the bottom corner of the plate carrier.
Gently slide the spacer between the probe and the bottom
of the plate carrier.
The probe tip should just clear the height adjustment
spacer. If the probe hits the spacer, lower the probe. If
the probe tip is not almost touching the spacer, raise
the probe. See “Adjusting probe height in bottom-read”
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