CytoFluor User’s Guide
A.2 Windows
A window is a rectangular area on the screen in which you do
work in a program. The window can be manipulated—opened
and closed, moved and resized, and shuffled—just like a
sheet of paper on top of a desk.
Figure 1-2 Windows
At the top of most windows is a long rectangular box, the title
bar. In the title bar you find the name of the file or application in
which you’re working. In the upper right corner of the title bar
are two arrows, one pointing down and the other up. The down
arrow makes Microsoft Windows inactive (minimizes it); the up
arrow increases the size of the window on the screen. The
close box is also found in the title bar, in the upper left corner.
When you position the pointer on the close box and press a
mouse button, the window closes and is removed from the
Close box
Title bar
Menu bar
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