Chapter 4 Displaying, Printing, and Exporting Data
Applied Biosystems
To change either directory, scroll through the directory
list boxes under Files In or Destination. Double-click on
a directory name in the box to see a list of
subdirectories. Or, double-click on the two dots (••) to
move upward in the directory. The system displays
different drives by enclosing them in brackets. For
example [-a-] usually designates the floppy drive a.
Select the file(s) you want to export from the list box
under Files in. (You can only export data files.) When you
click a name, the system highlights it. If you are exporting
the currently opened file, select the file name or click on
the Export current button.
NOTE: You can export multiple files individually or in a
group. To export a group of files, select additional file
names with the mouse.
You can also group separate data files into one export
file by clicking on the Concatenate button after you
select the files to be grouped.
Select the appropriate Export To option:
Click the Export button to export the file. Or click Cancel
to close the box without converting files.
The system saves files in the export format you chose.
The .MFR file remains unchanged. The exported file
name consists of up to eight characters of the .MFR file
name, with a new appended extension. For example,
the export file containing the data from cycle 1 and scan
4 of file TEST.MFR would have the name TEST.014.
If you want to export to…
the selected file destination
the clipboard so you can paste the file to its
a printer to print out the file
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