Configuring the Scanner for Top or Bottom Plate Reading
CytoFluor User’s Guide
6 Checking and Adjusting Probe Height in
Top-Read Position (TC Models)
Checking probe
height in top-read
In the top-read position, the probe tip should be located
0.5 mm (the thickness of the 0.020-inch height adjustment
spacer) above the plate to maximize the signal. You can
adjust the probe height for the top-read position to
accommodate different plate heights.
The probe must be set at the correct height. If you set the
probe too low, the plate can jam against it. If you set it too
high, you lower the signal.
Turn off the scanner. Open the scanner cover by
turning the thumbwheel clockwise and lifting up the
Insert an empty plate into the carrier and push the plate
into the temperature control chamber.
Push the temperature control chamber door open. Insert
the 12-inch long probe height adjustment spacer marked
0.020-inch into the chamber and place it on top of the
plate. Make sure the spacer is on the highest point of the
plate, usually across the corner of the plate.
Slide the probe arm gently over the plate and check the
probe height by looking through the door to view the plate.
The probe tip should just clear the height adjustment
spacer. If the probe hits the spacer, raise the probe. If
the probe tip is not almost touching the spacer, lower
the probe.
When properly adjusted, the probe tip is 0.5 mm
(0.020-inch) away from the probe.
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