[Setup] Key
percentage value.
Absolute value
and sequential value SEQ mode use the soft keys to select the unit.
Step 4
Use the cursor key to select [1] [UPPER] field;
Step 5
Input value
Step 6
Repeat 2~5 to complete the data input of other bins.
The instrument prepares independent storage space for the three comparison modes, so the
comparator data in each comparison mode is independent of each other.
In order to be able to sort properly, increase the Bin1 to Bin9 intervals in the tolerance mode.
Please increase the Bin1 to Bin9 data range in sequential mode.
After all settings are completed, if you want to use it for a long time, please enter the [File]
page to save the data in the file.
The instrument does not judge whether the data input by users is reasonable. For example,
the lower limit is higher than the upper limit, or the bin between bin is overlapped. Please
check the setting result carefully to prevent the sorting error.
Press the [Setup] key and press [LIST TABLE] soft key to open the <LIST TABLE> page. The list
sweep feature of AT381x can perform automatic or manual sweep measurement by sweeping
the frequency, signal level through a maximum 10 groups of frequencies or levels.
Before using list sweep feature, you have to configure the sweep list.
In the <LIST TABLE> page, you can configure each of the following list sweep measurement
controls with the cursor placed in the corresponding field:
Sweep Function [FUNC]
Sweep mode [MODE]
Sweep parameter selection [FREQ[Hz], LEVEL[V]]
Sweeping point setup
Limit parameter ([LMT]) selection (primary parameter [A], secondary parameter [B], no
comparison [-])
Input lower and upper limits [LOWER] [UPPER]
Figure 5-9
Sweep Mode [MODE]
The AT381x sweeps according to the trigger mode.
Table 5-1
Sweep mode description
Internal Trigger. All ten sweep points are swept continuous.