SW Version 2.04
Page 35 of 128
All SPTS/MPTS inputs that are configured on the main input module will
automatically be mirrored to the backup input module when configuring main
and backup sources.
Clicking Add shows the redundancy pair configuration.
Figure 23 - Input redundancy pair
On this page the modules paired as main source and spare source are displayed.
The Status field shows the current redundancy status, which can be either:
– Inputs are routed from the main input module.
- Inputs are routed from the backup input module.
Clicking the
button will change the current active input. If current active input
is main, the input source will switch to backup and vice versa.
Clicking the
button will remove the redundancy pair.
Switching from main to backup
Changing the input source from main to backup (either automatically through the
presence of the alarms above, or due to user interaction), will raise an alarm
indicating the cause of the switch. This alarm will remain active until a manual switch
from backup to main is performed.
In addition, when an alarm leading to a switch has been triggered on the main
module, all routed streams are switched from the main input module to the spare
input module. The switch will be implemented even if an alarm is active on the spare
input module.
Switching from backup to main
Changing status from backup to main (switching inputs from the backup module to
the main module) will clear the alarm generated when switching.
There is no automatic status change from backup to main even if or when alarms are
cleared. This has to be done manually through the GUI.
A word about IP input module configuration
IP inputs for the main and backup sources are done through the IP inputs page for
the main input module. All added/removed inputs will automatically be
added/removed from the backup input module. Accessing the inputs page for the
backup module will only show the status of the inputs on the backup module.