SW Version 2.04
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SCR option file
To change between the AES and the CSA algorithm it is necessary to load an option
file. This file describes the desired characteristics of the card, and is read during boot.
There are two option files:
Below is a sample option file for the AES scrambler:
<atvHeader protocol="ddmOptionsProtocol" version="1.0"/>
<SCRAMBLER is_scrambler_card="Yes" algorithm="aes"/>
<MQ use_mq_protocols="Yes"/>
To load an option file, please follow the same procedure as applied for loading
application software to the scrambler card.
Selective scrambling / Partial scrambling
The scrambler card supports selective and partial scrambling. This implies that parts
of the content are sent in clear. This selection is done per service and is enabled
during the configuration of the output stream.
ASIO-Scrambler Card Configuration
The ASIO-scrambler card runs both the SCS functionality and the scrambler
functionality on one single card. The Scrambler supports both the CSA and AES
scrambling algorithms. The algorithm is implemented in separate FPGA images which
are loaded during boot. Consequently the card cannot support both algorithms
simultaneously and the card needs to be predefined to run either of the images using
the atvcardsetup program on the command prompt on the card.
The scrambler card supports up to 250 scrambled services, with a maximum total
bitrate of 850 Mbps.
An overview of the scramblers present in the unit is available in the “scramblers” tab
in the navigation tree.
Figure 34 - Scramblers overview
This pane gives a general overview of how many ECMs and EMMs has been
configured as well as providing a dialog to select which scrambling algorithm to run on
the card. The options provided here are based on the information reported by the
scrambler card during startup.