SW Version 2.04
Page 124 of 128
Error Code
Alarm Level
IP dejitter buffer >
Jitter on incoming data is close to exceeding buffer. Possible
problem with the pcr on the input stream.
Input buffer overflow.
Packet dropped.
The card bit rate exceeds the max capacity of the card.
Receive frame error
A corrupt Ethernet frame was received on the specified
IPOUT output buffer
The total output rate exceeds the capacity of the IP output
card, or the specified MPTS transport stream.
Missing ecm update
The output card does not receive ECMs from the SCS card.
Received late ecm
The ECM received from the SCS card had a play-out time
stamp that had already elapsed.
Lost ecm
The ECM received from the SCS card did not have the
expected sequence number.
System Reference clock
The system clock signal from the switch card is not detected
by the FPGA. The switch card may be broken.
System Clock
The card has detected a situation where the internal clock
needed to re-synch to the reference clock.
QAM Output Module
The QAM output module is based on the IP output module with a QAM module
attached. All alarms described for IP out is also valid for QAM out. The QAM has some
additional alarms.
Error Code
Alarm Level
Qam module
The SNMP agent on the QAM card is not responding.
QAM module error
The QAM module reported an error on a channel. The alarm
text will give more details.
List of status codes added to the alarm:
1 - Modulation standard is invalid.
2 - Frequency is out of range.
3 - Symbol rate is out of range.
4 - QAM mode is invalid.
5 - Jitter tolerance is out of range.
6 - RF level is out of range.
7 - Symbol rates in channel group are not equal to each other.
8 - Modulation standards in channel group are not equal to each other.
9 - QAM modes in channel group are not equal to each other.
10 - RF levels in channel group are not equal to each other.
11 - RF-level difference between channel groups is too high.
12 - Channel spacing’s in channel group are not equal to each other.
13 - Channel spacing is out of range.
14 - Spectrum overlaps spectrum of another channel in this channel
15 - Spectrum overlaps spectrum of a channel in another channel
16 - IP-filter setting overlaps IP-filter setting of another channel.
17 - UDP destination port is not valid.
18 - Interleaver I is out of range.
19 - Interleaver J is out of range.
20 - Combination of interleaver I and J is invalid.
21 - Interleaver I and J in channel group are not equal to
each other.
Channel status. The status is either 'ok' or an error code. If
multiple errors are active, the status code with the lowest
value is reported. When the error condition is resolved, but
another error is still present, then the corresponding error code
will appear