SW Version 2.04
Page 38 of 128
This causes the input card to no longer subscribe to the multicast input, and also tells
the system to not configure the decoder. And a decoder without a configuration will
not try to switch, as nothing is wrong.
Configuring modules for internal redundancy through the user interface
Configuring internal redundancy is done through the
tab in the
navigation pane. From there, open the
tab in the sub-tree - this will open
the configuration page in the web GUI.
General display
The configuration page shows two sections:
MMI card
redundancy supported cards.
First section is used to add IP address of the twin
MMI board second section lists a row for each decoder on the module. The decoded
service is displayed, and can take the values of either “the service name” or “off”.
Twin MMI card
In order for the internal redundancy GUIs to know about each other it is important to
enter the IP address of the other MMI board in the dialog below. The other MMI board
is referred to as the “Twin MMI”. The effect of adding the Twin MMI is that the MMI
boards exchange the card list between each other. All other configuration MUST be
done separately on each MMI board.
Note that in order for this to work it is essential that the two MMI cards have an IP