Annovi Reverberi S.p.A. Via Martin Luther King, 3 - 41122 Modena - Italy
The trolley must be scrapped in a sorted waste management facility as required by law.
Before scrapping the unit, separate out the plastic, rubber, electrical and electronic parts.
Clean and flush the unit thoroughly internally and externally. Dumping the cleaning residue into the environ-
ment without any precautions can pollute ground water and is thus prohibited.
Collect the exhausted oil and dispose of it at a sorted waste disposal centre.
The used oil must be collected and not simply dumped, since it is a hazardous waste under the
law, and so must be dealt with by a sorted waste disposal facility.
For collection of exhausted oils, it is obligatory to use the services of the “Consorzio Obbligatorio Oli Usati”
(Obligatory Used Oils Consortium).
Parts composed solely of plastic, aluminium and steel can be recycled at sorted disposal centres.
If the trolley is unused for a long time, it must be stored under shelter and protected against damage.
Do not place the trolley on sloping or loose ground.
To prepare the trolley for storage, clean the tank and fluid circuit carefully in the same way as after a spraying
• Completely drain the fluid circuit to prevent damage due to freezing.
• Fill with a mixture of clean water and antifreeze to protect not only the pump but also all parts in contact with
the fluid (pressure regulating valve, lance and filter).
• Clean the intake filter and nozzle.
• Discharge the pressure inside the pump pressure accumulator.
• Put the trolley in a well-ventilated area, sheltered from the sun and rain.
Before using the trolley for the first time or after a long period of disuse, proceed as follows:
• Check the trolley for signs of damage.
• Check that all parts are correctly installed and assembled.
• Check the mechanical assemblies, they must be in good condition and without any signs of rust.
• Check that the intake filter and the interior of the tank are clean and free of residue.
• Check that the connections are correctly installed per the basic diagram.
• Check that the hose clamps are properly tightened down, along with all other fittings and connections.
• Check and top up the pump oil, if necessary.
• Check the condition of the pump and pressure accumulator diaphragms.
• Check the condition of the lance nozzle, without wear or encrustations.
• Check the hoses and replace them if necessary.
• Check that all bolts are properly tightened down.