Enterprise-III EISA VLB Motherboard User's Guide
System Boot Up Sequence
This option sets the boot drive sequence. The settings are C:,A: or A:,C:. The BIOS Default is C:,A:.
The Power-On Default is A:,C:.
System Boot Up CPU Speed
This option sets the system boot speed. The settings are High or Low. The BIOS and Power-On
Defaults are Low.
External Cache Memory
This option enables secondary cache memory external to the microprocessor. The settings are
Enabled or Disabled. The BIOS Default is Enabled. The Power-On Default is Disabled.
Internal Cache Memory
This option enables the 8 KB of cache memory in the 80486 microprocessor. The settings are
Enabled or Disabled. The BIOS default is Enabled. The Power-On default is Disabled.
Password Checking Option
This option enables the password feature. The settings are Setup — AMIBIOS Setup is password-
protected or Always (a user password prompt appears every time the system is turned on). See
page 104 for more information on passwords. The BIOS Setup and Power-On default is Setup.