Enterprise-III EISA VLB Motherboard User's Guide
Rotate the chassis so that the front is to the right, and the rear is to the left.
The side facing you is where the motherboard is mounted. The power supply
is mounted near the back end of the chassis.
Push four nylon standoffs from the solder side of the motherboard in the holes
provided for them. The standoffs lock in place.
Find the slots provided for the standoffs on the chassis. Hold the motherboard,
component-side up, with the edge with three standoffs toward you and the
edge with the power supply connector away from you. The edge connectors
for the adapter cards should be on the left.
Carefully slide the motherboard into the chassis. Make certain that the
standoffs fit the slots provided for them. If the standoffs are properly locked,
the motherboard should not slide. It should also rest level with the chassis.
The far edge should fit the slots in the plastic clips.
Place the two mounting screws in the holes provided for them and tighten
them. If necessary, shift the motherboard slightly to align the mounting holes
on the motherboard with the holes on the chassis.