Chapter 6
AGP Interface
24081D—February 2002
AMD-761™ System Controller Software/BIOS Design Guide
Preliminary Information
BIOS Initialization Requirements
This section lists the steps in an algorithm recommended to
properly configure the AMD-761 system controller AGP fast
write and rate features, as well as the compensation and slew
rate values.
This BIOS algorithm must properly detect the AGP card’s
signalling type (1.5 V or 3.3 V) and enable the appropriate
features as listed in the steps below. Note that these steps are
the AGP interface is enabled.
1. Detect the signalling level (1.5 V or 3.3 V) by reading the
value of the TYPEDET# pin that was latched by the
AMD-761 system controller at reset. This value can be read
in the Configuration Status register, Dev 0:F0:0x88, bit 25.
If 0, then 1.5-V signalling is selected by the AGP card. If
1, then 3.3-V signalling is used.
2. Configure the override bits according to the signalling level
as listed in Table 34 on page 210 and the following notes.
If 1.5 V, then the 4X_Override bit should be cleared, and
the FW_Enable bit should be set in the AGP 4X Dynamic
Compensation register (Dev 0:F0:0xB4, bits 6 and 7,
respectively). This action causes the AGP Status register
(Dev 0:F0:0xA4) to report 4X and fast write capability to
the operating system.
If 3.3 V, then the 4X_Override bit should be set, and the
FW_Enable bit should be cleared in the AGP 4X
Dynamic Compensation register (Dev 0:F0:0xB4, bits 6
and 7, respectively). This action causes the AGP Status
register (Dev 0:F0:0xA4) to report a maximum rate of 2X,
and no fast write capability to the operating system.
3. Program the appropriate compensation, drive strength,
bypass, and slew rates to the AGP I/O pads in the AGP 4X
Dynamic Compensation and AGP Compensation Bypass
register according to Table 34 below.