Chapter 3
DDR SDRAM Interface
24081D—February 2002
AMD-761™ System Controller Software/BIOS Design Guide
Preliminary Information
DDR SDRAM Interface
This chapter details BIOS configuration as it pertains to the
AMD-761™ system controller DDR SDRAM controller. The
topics discussed in this chapter are entitled as follows:
DDR DIMMS and DDR SDRAMs on page 150
DDR DIMM Data from Serial Presence Detect (SPD)
Device on page 151
Memory Space Configuration on page 152
DDR Memory DIMM Timings on page 157
Additional Memory Controller Settings on page 161
DRAM Mode/Status Settings on page 165
ECC and Memory Scrubbing on page 169
Programmable Delay Lines (PDL) on page 174
DDR I/O Drive Strength on page 182
To date, there are two types of DDR memory DIMMs—
unbuffered and registered. The AMD-761 system controller can
be configured to support up to two unbuffered DIMM slots with
two banks each, or up to four registered DIMM slots with two
banks each. Registered and unbuffered implementations
cannot be intermixed.
The AMD-761 system controller embeds the DDR SDRAM
memory controller of the system. All programming registers
t h a t c o n f i g u re t h e m e m o ry c o n t ro l l e r re s i d e i n P C I
configuration space. This space is defined in Bus 0, Device 0,
and exists in both Function 0 and Function 1.
Motherboard and Northbridge characteristics are programmed
f ro m d a t a p rov i d e d by t h e re s p e c t ive d e s i g n e rs a n d
manufacturers. This data includes bus speed implementations,
memory bus signal strengths and slew rates, and internal
memory controller characteristics, etc.