Using Application Specific Instructions
Rung 4:1
Keeps track of the hole number that is being drilled and loads the
correct HSC preset based on the hole count. This rung is only active
when the ”hole selector switch” is in the ”3-hole” position. The
sequencer uses step 0 as a null step upon reset. It uses the last
step as a ”go forever” in anticipation of the ”end of manual” hard
wired external reset.
| hole |hole 3 hole |
| selector |selector preset |
| switch |switch sequencer |
| bit 0 |bit 1 |
| I:0 I:0 +SQO–––––––––––––––+ |
|––––]/[––––––––] [––––––––––––––––––––+–+SEQUENCER OUTPUT +–(EN)–+–|
| 9 10 | |File #N7:50+–(DN) | |
| | |Mask FFFF| | |
| | |Dest N7:7| | |
| | |Control R6:4| | |
| | |Length 5| | |
| | |Position 0| | |
| | +––––––––––––––––––+ | |
| | | |
| | force the | |
| | sequencer | |
| | to increment | |
| | on next scan | |
| | R6:4 | |
| +––––(U)––––––––––––––––––––+ |
| EN |
This rung accesses I/O only available with 32 I/O controllers. Do not include this rung if you are using a 16 I/O
Programming - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive