Chassis and Power Supplies
Managing MAC Addresses on the Switch
OmniSwitch 8800 Hardware Users Guide
December 2004
page 2-43
Viewing the MAC Range
To view the switch’s default MAC range 1, enter the
show mac-range
command. For example:
-> show mac-range
Mac Local/
Range Row Status Global Start Mac Addr End Mac Addr
01 ACTIVE GLOBAL 00:d0:95:6b:09:40 00:d0:95:6b:09:5f
This example shows a default MAC range containing 32 factory-installed MAC addresses
). The start MAC address is automatically allocated as a
unique identifier for the switch chassis; the end MAC address is allocated as an identifier for the EMP.
For detailed information on the
show mac-range
command output, refer to the
OmniSwitch CLI Refer-
ence Guide
Determining Current MAC Address Allocation on the Switch
Although the
show mac-range
command shows the start and end MAC addresses in the range, additional
allocated MAC addresses, such as those allocated for 802.1X authentication and VLAN router ports, are
not displayed. To quickly view all allocated MAC addresses, including the current base chassis, EMP,
802.1X, and VLAN router ports MAC addresses, use the
show mac-range alloc
command. For example:
-> show mac-range alloc
Range Mac Address Application Id
01 00:d0:95:6b:09:40 CHASSIS 0
01 00:d0:95:6b:09:41 802.1X 0
01 00:d0:95:6b:09:42 VLAN 44
01 00:d0:95:6b:09:43 VLAN 2
01 00:d0:95:6b:09:5f CHASSIS 1
The display provides MAC address allocation for the following:
Base chassis MAC address.
The base chassis MAC address is the first address in the switch’s default
MAC range (in this example, 00:d0:95:6b:09:40). This address is labeled CHASSIS and is given an
—value of 0.
802.1X authentication MAC address.
The MAC address allocated for 802.1X authentication is the
second address in the switch’s default MAC range (in this example, 00:d0:95:6b:09:41). This address
is labeled 802.1X and is given an index value of 0.
VLAN router port MAC addresses.
MAC addresses used for VLAN router ports are allocated
sequentially, starting from the next available address in the range (in this example, 00:d0:95:6b:09:42
and 00:d0:95:6b:09:43). Each address is labeled VLAN. The corresponding VLAN ID for each address
is used as the index number (in this case, 44 and 2).
EMP MAC address.
The EMP MAC address is the last address in the range (in this example,
00:d0:95:6b:09:5f).Although this address is also labeled CHASSIS, it can be differentiated from the
base chassis MAC address because it is given an index value of 1.