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plus Version 2.20 - September 1998
Biphase 24fps x 2 - This selects that the DD8 will sync to bi-phase at 24 frames
per second with 2 cycles per frame. This is used when synchronising the DD8 to
film equipment.
Biphase 25fps x 2 - This selects that the DD8 will sync to bi-phase at 25 frames
per second with 2 cycles per frame. This is used when synchronising the DD8 to
film equipment.
Biphase 24fps x 4 - This selects that the DD8 will sync to bi-phase at 24 frames
per second with 4 cycles per frame. This is used when synchronising the DD8 to
film equipment.
Biphase 25fps x 4 - This selects that the DD8 will sync to bi-phase at 25 frames
per second with 4 cycles per frame. This is used when synchronising the DD8 to
film equipment.
Biphase 24fps x 10 - This selects that the DD8 will sync to bi-phase at 24 frames
per second with 10 cycles per frame. This is used when synchronising the DD8
to film equipment.
Biphase 25fps x 10 - This selects that the DD8 will sync to bi-phase at 25 frames
per second with 10 cycles per frame. This is used when synchronising the DD8
to film equipment.
EBU 25fps (+4%) - This special selection should be made when working with
video material that has been derived from a frame-by-frame transfer from 24 fps
film to 25 fps video. When material is transferred in this way, the visuals will
actually run 4.1% faster when played from the video. As a result, the DD8 needs
to playback audio with the same speed offset in order to maintain sync.
This selection should be used when working with material that has been trans-
ferred from film in this way. Whilst working with the video, the audio will play
back slightly faster and may sound unnatural but this is not a problem as, ulti-
mately, the audio will be played back sync’ed to the master film at 24fps at which
point, correct playback speed will be restored.
NOTE 1: It is not possible to record audio when synchronised to this selection.
NOTE 2: You must select 25fps (+4.1%) as the time display style - see below.
SMPTE 24fps (-4%) - This special selection should be made when working with
video material that has been derived from a frame-by-frame transfer from 24 fps
film to 25 fps video. Whilst working with the audio in the DD, it is referenced to
the EBU 25fps timecode at nominal speed from the video. The audio is finally
mastered referenced to 24fps film and hence must be slowed down by 4% to
remain in sync with the film. The SMPTE 24fps -4% setting is used during mas-
tering to achieve this -4% varispeed.
NOTE 1: It is not possible to record audio when synchronised to this selection.
NOTE 2: You must select 24fps (-4%) as the time display style - see below.
SMPTE/EBU+RS422 - These options are available at all frame rates and are for
use with RS422 equipped VTRs when the DD8 is acting as an RS422 master
controller (i.e. when all playback, locating, jogging, etc., of both the DD8 and
VTR are controlled from the DD8). SMPTE/EBU from the VTR is still connected
as usual via the LTC (SMPTE IN) input and the SYNC key must be switched on.
The DD8 will receive timecode information in playback from the LTC connection
but, when working in slow motion, it receives timecode over RS422 making
locking of the two machines tighter.