Presto Detacher
Second Screen:
# of record number or cow number
In Seconds; Time to First Milk (From Attach Button is pushed to when the milk flow reaches
the threshold milk flow in set-up).
In Seconds; the period of time milk flow was below the 2.2 lbs per minute flow rate. This is a
low flow indication.
Prep Time; In seconds; This is when the milking unit was attached from the start of the prep
Additional Definitions
Averages -
The first data under the review data display is an average yield for the valid completed
milkings. The average pounds-of-milk is the total pounds of milk divided by the number of milkings
(in 00 milkings).
Total 00.0 LB – Total Pounds (or Kilograms)
The total milk stored in memory.
00 milkings is the total number of valid milkings that have been completed. The maximum number of
stored milkings is 60. Once the Control reaches 60 milkings, the “First In Last Out” storage applies.
That is, the first record in is added to the top of the data list and the last record is removed.
Cow Data Display
The second data review display shows individual milking data information (Also See Herd Tracker
Instructions). That data includes the individual milking number, temperature and pounds of milk at
various timed intervals. Total milking time is also displayed.
#10 – Milking Number
#10 indicates the milking number, starting with the last milking being the highest number. Subse-
quent milkings displayed go further back in time.
G:1 – Group Number
G:1 – Indicates the group number that the milking record was recorded in.
77.0 – Peak Temperature (Displays Fahrenheit or Centigrade)
Peak Temperature is recorded.
10.0/20.0/40.0 – Milk Flow (Pounds or Kilograms)
The first 10.0 indicates the pounds of milk in the first 60 seconds, 20.0 is the pounds of milk at 120
seconds and 40.0 indicates the milk yield for the completed milking.
5.30 – Milking Time
The total duration for the milking record is displayed.
Conductivity Indication
The number indicates conductivity level that was recorded for the milking record,
0 = Normal, 1 = Caution, 2 = Warning, 3 = Very High
Review Data