Presto Detacher
Review Previous Milking Data
The Presto Control stores milking data for each individual milking. To review the data, you must
enter into the setup mode. To enter into the setup mode, while in the detached mode, press and
hold both Presto switches for one second.
Once in the Setup Mode the detacher will prompt you to “ Review Data” and the default value of
“Yes” will be flashing. Choose Yes by pressing the left Auto/Manual switch. The will prompt with
Attach Count. The attach count is the number of valid milkings in memory. A valid milking is a
milking that had milk yield of above .5 lbs (.22 kg) and the detacher detached automatically after the
letdown delay. Below the Attach Counter is hour counter (HR: SSSSS). The hour counter is the
total run time in hours. The maximum hour count is 65535, (approximately 7.5 years). To continue
to review the data choose NEXT. The will then proceed to total cow milking data averages. By
continually pressing the right switch (next) the will show each individual milking records. Choose
exit to exit from the review data mode. The first screen shows the following:
Line One
: # of record number or cow number – G: = Group Number: Peak Milk Temperature
Line Two
: Yield Produced the first two minutes of milking/ Total Yield/
Line Three
: MT = Milking Time Cond: = SCC indication N = normal, C = Caution, H = High
Very Important: End-of-Milking and Milk Yield Calibration
End of milking take-off setting—immediately after the system is started, during the first milking it is
important to determine the appropriate end of milking setting for the dairy. Do so accordingly.
End-of-Milking (EOM):
The end of milking detach flow rate and delay setting determine how long or short the cows are being milked.
They should be adjusted according to the farmers liking. To do so, during milking, immediately after the
detacher detachers the milking unit hand strip the cows and with guidance from the farmer set the take off
flow rate and take off delay according to his liking. These settings are explained in stall set-up section of this
and other manuals. It is very important after changing calibration listed below or other milkng system changes
such as vacuum levels, liners, claws or pulsation rates and ratios the End-of-Milking setting be checked again
to be sure the EOM settings are satisfactory.
Milk Yield Calibration:
The milk yield calibration determines how fast or slow the detachers count milk yield. (Note) It is important
that each detacher in the barn is setup the same. For example the pulsation rate and ratio, vacuum level, hose
lengths and air bleeds be as close to the same as possible.
Calibrating milk yield is accomplished by comparing the total milk yield recorded by the detacher controls
against a known milk yield total like what is in the bulk tank or shipped off the farm. To do so, under the
performance reports, compare the total milk yield numbers against the known total milk yield number. The
goal is to be within 3%, if outside this range, adjust the make meter read setting accordingly. (See Stall
Control Set-up Pages) After changes are made, check to be sure the EOM settings are satisfactory (See