Chapter 1: Agilent Technologies 16712A 128K Sample Logic Analyzer
Interpreting the Data
2. Place a marker on the start of the subroutine.
Select the
Set G1
button. This sets global marker G1 at the address you
just found.
3. Find the end of the subroutine.
Assume the end of the subroutine is at address 0x58FF. Searches always
start at the current location. Since you just set the global marker G1, it
indicates where the search starts from.
a. Select the Value field, and enter 58FF.
b. Select the
button to find the next occurrence of 0x58FF after the
starting address.
4. Place a marker on the end of the subroutine.
Select the
Set G2
button to set global marker G2 at this position. This lets
you refer to G2 when you want to know where the subroutine ends.
5. Find the number of states between the start and end of the subroutine.
Since you've placed markers at the start and end of the subroutine, all you
have to do is find the number of states between those markers.
a. Select the
b. In the G2 row, select the second down arrow and select
c. Select the down arrow after from, and select
The value after the from field changes to the number of states between G1
and G2. You can toggle between time and states by selecting the arrow
after the Time or Samples field.
Now you know how long the execution stayed in the subroutine, and
can also examine the data set between G1 and G2 to look for unusual
See Also
Using the Digital Waveform Display Tool (see the
Waveform Display Tool
help volume)
Using the Listing Display Tool (see the
Listing Display Tool
help volume)
Using the Chart Display Tool (see the
Chart Display Tool
help volume)
Using the Distribution Display Tool (see the
Distribution Display Tool
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