7351 Series Digital Multimeter Operation Manual
6.7.4 SCPI Command Reference
SCPI command
Clears each status byte.
Reads the status byte register
Reply: ddd
*SRE <int>
Sets the service request enable register.
<int>: 0 to 255 (However, bit6 cannot be set.)
Reply: ddd
Reads the standard event status register.
Reply: ddd
*ESE <int>
Sets the standard event status enable register.
<int>: 0 to 255 (However, bit6 cannot be set.)
Reply: ddd
Reads the measurement event register.
Reply: ddddd
Sets the measurement event enable register.
<int>: 0 to 65535
Reply: ddddd
Reads the questionable event register.
Reply: ddddd
Sets the questionable event enable register.
<int>: 0 to 65535
Reply: ddddd
Reads the operation event register.
Reply: ddddd
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle <int>
Sets the operation event enable register.
<int>: 0 to 65535
Reply: ddddd
*PSC <int>
<int>: -32767 to +32767
If "int" is set to any value except for zero, SRER and
SESER are cleared when the power is turned on.
If "int" is set to zero, SRER and SESER are not cleared
when the power is turned on.
Reply: 0 or 1 (When any value except for zero is set.)
Sets the operation complete bit (bit0) of the Standard
Event Status Register after all operations are complete.
Reply: 1 (After all operations are complete.)
Waits for the completion of all operations. (GPIB only)
Performs the self- test and reads the result.
(It takes time to perform the self-test. Read the result
after executing the *WAI command.)
0 : Pass
1 : Fail