“bEEP"” "on I n "”
Beeper is set to on
between limits
“bEEP” “"on oUt” ”
Beeper is set to on
outside limits (>0)
“LitE"” “"oFF"”
Backlight is set to off
“LitE"” "on"”
Set to on
at all times
“LitE"” "AUt"
Set to work automatically
when a weight is placed
on the scale or a key is
“UnI t” ” KG/ Lb”
Kg/Lb both are enabled
”UnI t” “KiLo”
Kg only is enabled
Un I t
”UnI t” “Lb”
Lb only is enabled
Print Au
Prints only when
the Auto-
Accumulation is
set to off.
Au on
Prints only when
the Auto-
Accumulation is
set to on.
P Cont
Sets the RS-232 interface
to print continuously and
the accumulation function
is disabled.
P Mo dE
SEr r E
Sets the RS-232 to print
continuously the weight
F2 Prt
P bAU d
b 600
b 1200
b 2400
b 4800
b 9600
Sets the required baud
rate (speed for the RS-
232 communications).
Default rate is 4800.
© Adam Equipment Company 2005