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Figure 2.1.31
OBD2/EOBD reader configuration.
The reader window can display maximum 7 parameters at the same time. Navigation is realized
with buttons , which are used to scroll through the parameters read via OBDII/EOBD. For
showing or hiding the parameters of OBD reader on the oscilloscope in the application use the
button .
The button opens the parameters configuration window
(Figure 2.1.31)
, which allows creating
any sets of displayed parameters thanks to which it is possible to display a set including only
parameters that are required for system calibration (such as fuel loop status, STFT and LTFT
trims, results of a wide-band oxygen sensor). The window displays a set of 96 parameters
available in OBDII/EOBD standard. Parameters unavailable in a given vehicle are grey. In order
to add or remove a parameter from the reader, select it or deselect it in the field on the left side,
next to its description.
If it is necessary to diagnose the vehicle with an external scanner, when
STAG 400 DPI and an active OBD interface is available, switch the system to
petrol fueling, switch off and switch on the ignition. OBD connection will not be
active in petrol fueling mode.
Activation of autoadaptation OBD results in automatic configuration of
OBD2/EOBD reader parameters.