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Temperature correction view
Figure 2.1.15
Gas temperature correction
KT tab enables one to set the dose correction depending on the gas temperature. The correction
is applied by highlighting a given spot with the left mouse button and setting the desired
correction value by pressing “↑” or “↓”. Use the right mouse button to increase the number of
spots by clicking in the desired location.
Reducer temperature correction map
Reducer temperature map calibration allows for additional percentage matching of the
multiplier. Adjustment of the reducer temperature map calibration is similar to the multiplier
map. Modification of the correction line of the regulator temperature can be used in vehicles
where petrol fuel dosing strongly depends on the degree of the engine temperature.
Figure 2.1.16
Reducer temperature correction map view
Gas pressure correction map
The controller is provided with automatic gas injection time correction based on gas pressure.
The “Gas pressure correction map” allows the user to enter manually an additional percentage
correction based on gas pressure. Entering modifications is just like on the multiplier.