8 Planning and Installation Guidelines
Planning and
Installation Guidelines
Technical Description
Wireless Proximity Switches / Issue: 03.2005
V 6
1.3 Distances to primary loops, safety aspects
Persons with cardiac pacemakers have to observe minimum clearances to the primary loops.
Refer to the explanations below and fig. 1.5.
Cardiac pacemakers are particularly sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
The primary loops generate an electromagnetic field the field strength of which depends on the
set current. The strongest electromagnetic field is right next to the primary loop cable.
The required current depends on the edge length of a primary loop. For rectangular primary loops
the short edge is the relevant length.
Marking for Pace Maker Carriers:
If the machine/installation does not have a fence around it to determine this distance (for
minimum distances please refer to the following table and fig. 1.5), a black-yellow line has to
be attached to the floor in order to make the distance clear. In this case, suitable labelings have
to be installed in the line of the distance.
The Engineering Package WEP100.0101 (1SAF900091R0101.ZIP) contains an example for this.
The values given in the following table are theoretical values intended for the planning of a
machine/installation with wireless proximity switches. During commissioning and acceptance
these values have to be verified by corresponding measurements and, if necessary, the
distances have to be corrected.
For more detailed information please refer to chapter "Regulations for the Erection of
Installations and Safety-Related Regulations" in Volume 7 (certificates, standards, regulations)
and to the expert’s report of the "Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Eletrotechnik