Planning and Installation Guidelines 11
Planning and
Installation Guidelines
Technical Description
Wireless Proximity Switches / Issue: 03.2005
V 6
1.5 Installation of the primary loop cables
Normally, the primary loops are made of only one winding of the primary loop cable. Only for small
primary loops with a size of 1 m x 1 m two windings of the primary loop cable are necessary. The
windings can be installed without any distance to each other.
The primary loop cables can be laid open or in armored plastic conduits, plastic cable ducts (open
or closed types), etc.
The primary loop cable parts of the loop itself must not be laid in armored steel conduits or similar
electrically conductive materials.
For the installation of the primary loops glas fibre reinforced plastic conduits may be used
conveniently due to their self supporting property at large lenght
Fig. 1.7: Normally, the primary loop cable is laid in one winding, as shown on the left.
Two windings are only necessary for small primary loops (1000 mm x 1000 mm to 1000 mm x 1200 mm).
Primary loop cable
Primary loop cable