Table 30. Environmental tests
Type test value
Reference standard
Cold operation test
Test Ad for 16 h at -25°C
IEC 60068-2-1
Cold storage test
Test Ab for 16 h at -40°C
IEC 60068-2-1
Dry heat operation test
Test Bd for 16 h at +70°C
IEC 60068-2-2
Dry heat storage test
Test Bb for 16 h at +85°C
IEC 60068-2-2
Change of temperature test
Test Nb for 5 cycles at -25°C to +70°C
IEC 60068-2-14
Damp heat test, steady state
Test Ca for 10 days at +40°C and humidity 93%
IEC 60068-2-78
Damp heat test, cyclic
Test Db for 6 cycles at +25 to +55°C and humidity 93 to 95% (1 cycle =
24 hours)
IEC 60068-2-30
Table 31. CE compliance
According to
EN 60255–26
EN 60255–26
Low voltage directive
EN 60255–27
Table 32. Mechanical tests
Type test values
Reference standards
Vibration response test
Class II
IEC 60255-21-1
Vibration endurance test
Class I
IEC 60255-21-1
Shock response test
Class I
IEC 60255-21-2
Shock withstand test
Class I
IEC 60255-21-2
Bump test
Class I
IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic test
Class II
IEC 60255-21-3
1MRK 511 404-BEN A
Bay control REC670 2.2
Product version: 2.2.1