2000-OSM, F1
10. “Hold Switch on Temp Board” will appear on the screen.
Before opening any analyzer doors, ensure the area is safe and hazard-free, and
will remain so the entire time the analyzer is open. If the analyzer has X Purge,
operate the override function as described in "X Purge Override Option."
11. Open GCC Front Panel and hold down the switch on the DTC Backplane PCB.
12. The screen will display the message, “Are You Sure? Y or N.” Continue holding the switch down
and press “Y” on the GCC keyboard to accept the change.
13. If the GCC accepts the change, an acknowledging message appears. Release the switch and
close the front panel.
14. On the Pres and Temp Control screen, cursor to TEMP CONFIGURATION and press the F2
(Zone Config) soft key.
15. Verify that changes have been accepted and then press the F1 soft key as necessary to return to
the Background screen.
If the GCC accepts the new configuration settings, they appear on the screen in the appropriate
fields. If it does not accept them, the field settings do not change and a *TEMP BD ALARM* signal
appears. If you do not hold the switch long enough, a *TEMP BD ALARM* signal appear and the new
settings will not be accepted. Check the established limits for the settings in the Data Package and
try again.
Programming Notes
There are two types of programmable zones, standard programmable zone (PROG) and
programmable zone with the vortex cooler (PROG/C). You can program both types of programmable
zones from the Manual Temperature Control Mode screen.
The maximum value of Ramp Rate for any PROG or PROG/C zone is 50° C/minute, in increments of
one-tenth of a degree. Setting a Ramp Rate of 0.0° C/minute causes the temperature controller to
maintain the present temperature. A Ramp Rate of 50° C/minute sends the temperature zone as
rapidly as possible to the intended setpoint. This happens without consideration of true rate or out of
control conditions.
Programming for the PROG and PROG/C zones differs only in the cool down ramp rate. In zones
programmed as PROG/C, a coolant solenoid rapidly cools down the zones. This solenoid activates
when it receives a Ramp Rate of 0.1° C/minute. Once the solenoid recognizes the 0.1° C setting, it
forces vortex cooled air into the programmed zone to cool it down. The rate of cool down depends
solely on the zone temperature and the volume of the cool air. Once the zone reaches the lower set
point, power is applied to the heater for this zone to maintain the new set point while the cool air is
still flowing. The coolant solenoid stops the air flow when a ramp rate other than 0.1° C/minute is
Both Set Points and Ramp Rates may originate from a Method Table being run automatically by the
GCC, or the Workstation, or may be entered manually on the Manual Temperature Control Mode
The last programming information entered runs the analysis, whether entered on the Manual
Temperature Control Mode screen or in the Method Table.